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[1] “National Health Expenditure Fact Sheet,” Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, last modified December 13, 2023,

1. Introduction

[6] “Anchor Economy Dashboard,” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, accessed February 1, 2024,

[7] Jamie Ducharme and Elijah Wolfson, “Your ZIP Code Might Determine How Long You Live–and the Difference Could Be Decades,” Time, June 17, 2019, accessed February 1, 2024,

[8] Joshua Bundy et al., “Social Determinants of Health and Premature Death among Adults in the USA from 1999 to 2018: A National Cohort Study,” The Lancet Public Health 8, no. 6 (June 2023): e422–31, accessed February, 2024,

[9] Thomas LaVeist et al., “The Economic Burden of Racial, Ethnic, and Educational Health Inequities in the US.” JAMA 329, no. 19 (2023): 1682, accessed February, 2024,

[10] Lisa McKay, “How the Racial Wealth Gap Has Evolved—and Why It Persists,” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, October 3, 2022, accessed March 22, 2024,

[11] Jonathan Heller et al., “Keeping It Political and Powerful: Defining the Structural Determinants of Health.” The Milbank Quarterly, (2024): 1468-0009.12695, accessed February, 2024,

[12] Ellora Derenoncourt et al., “Wealth of Two Nations: The U.S. Racial Wealth Gap, 1860-2020,” Institute Working Paper 59 (2022),

[13] “Social Determinants of Health,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, accessed February, 2024,

[14] “Racial Differences in Economic Security: Housing,” U.S. Department of the Treasury, accessed February, 2024,

[15] Lauren Taylor, “Housing And Health: An Overview Of The Literature,” Health Affairs (2018), health policy brief accessed February 2024,

[16] Catherine Ross, and Chia-ling Wu. “The Links Between Education and Health,” American Sociological Review 60, no. 5 (1995): 719, accessed February 2024,

[17] Ricketts and Kent, February 28, 2023, posted, “How Equitable Wealth Outcomes Could Create a Resilient and Larger Economy,” The Economy Blog (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), accessed February 2024,

[18] Laura Choi, V. Gutkowski, and A. Hernández Kent, “Racial Equity Could Produce Widespread Economic Gains,” Economic Equity Insights (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), January 12, 2023, accessed February 2024,

[19] “Racial equity in income: Eliminating racial inequities in income would strengthen families, communities, and local economies,” in the National Equity Atlas, accessed February 2024,

[2] Frankie Clogston and Zytha Kack, A Playbook for Equitable Economic Development: Guidance on identifying structural racism and implementing equitable practices (The Rockefeller Foundation, 2022), page #8,

[3] “Community Wealth Building,” Democracy Collaborative, last modified 2023, accessed on March 26, 2024,

[4] “What is Racial Equity?,” Race Forward, accessed February 1, 2024,

[5] “Racial Equity Primer,” Federal Reserve Bank of Francisco, accessed February 1, 2024,

2. Understanding Anchor Strategies

[29] Chetty et al., “The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014.” JAMA 315, no. 16 (2016): 1750, accessed February 1, 2024,

[30] University Hospitals: The Evolution of Step Up to UH and Earn-and-Learn Programs (Healthcare Anchor Network), page #3,

[31] Dartmouth Health Workforce Development: Building sustainable talent pipelines in rural communities (Healthcare Anchor Network, n.d.), page #2,

[32] Dominique Samari and Paul Schmitz, Racial Equity Toolkit: A reflection and resource guide for collective impact backbone staff and partners (Collective Impact Forum, 2023), page #16-19,

[33] Ryan Powell, A. Sheehy, and A. Kind, “The Area Deprivation Index Is The Most Scientifically Validated Social Exposome Tool Available For Policies Advancing Health Equity,” Health Affairs Forefront (2023), accessed February 1, 2024, DOI: 10.1377/forefront.20230714.676093.

[34] “Evergreen Cooperative Laundry,” Evergreen Cooperative Laundry, last modified 2023, accessed March 27, 2024,

[35] Brian J. Rogal, “Fillmore Center project, touted as jobs engine for struggling North Lawndale, clears city commission,” Chicago Tribune, March 5, 2024, accessed March 28, 2024,

[36] Dave Muoio, “St. Louis’ SSM Health, BJC HealthCare Launch Joint Venture to Iron Out the Wrinkles of Laundry Service,” Fierce Healthcare, March 22, 2024, accessed March 26, 2024,

[37] Shena Ashley and Joycelyn Ovalle, Investing Together: Emerging Approaches in Collaborative Place-Based Impact Investing (Urban Institute, 2018), page #1,

[38] Robin Hacke, Improving Community Health by Strengthening Community Investment: Roles for Hospitals and Health Systems (Center for Community Investment, Initiative for Responsible Investment, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2017), page # 4,

2.1. Impact Workforce

[29] Chetty et al., “The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014.” JAMA 315, no. 16 (2016): 1750, accessed February 1, 2024,

[30] University Hospitals: The Evolution of Step Up to UH and Earn-and-Learn Programs (Healthcare Anchor Network), page #3,

[31] Dartmouth Health Workforce Development: Building sustainable talent pipelines in rural communities (Healthcare Anchor Network, n.d.), page #2,

[32] Dominique Samari and Paul Schmitz, Racial Equity Toolkit: A reflection and resource guide for collective impact backbone staff and partners (Collective Impact Forum, 2023), page #16-19,

2.2. Impact Purchasing

[33] Ryan Powell, A. Sheehy, and A. Kind, “The Area Deprivation Index Is The Most Scientifically Validated Social Exposome Tool Available For Policies Advancing Health Equity,” Health Affairs Forefront (2023), accessed February 1, 2024, DOI: 10.1377/forefront.20230714.676093.

[34] “Evergreen Cooperative Laundry,” Evergreen Cooperative Laundry, last modified 2023, accessed March 27, 2024,

[35] Brian J. Rogal, “Fillmore Center project, touted as jobs engine for struggling North Lawndale, clears city commission,” Chicago Tribune, March 5, 2024, accessed March 28, 2024,

[36] Dave Muoio, “St. Louis’ SSM Health, BJC HealthCare Launch Joint Venture to Iron Out the Wrinkles of Laundry Service,” Fierce Healthcare, March 22, 2024, accessed March 26, 2024,

3.1. A Shared Imperative

[39] Advancing Mobility from Poverty: A toolkit for housing and education partnerships (Enterprise Community Partners, Inc., 2023),

3.2. Activated Champions

[40] Alyia Gaskins, R. Steinitz, and R. Hacke, Investing in Community Health: A Toolkit for Hospitals (Center for Community Investment, 2020), page #25,

[41] Xavier Briggs, “Social Capital and the Cities: Advice to Change Agents,” National Civic Review 86(2), (2007): 111-117, accessed February 1, 2024,

[42] Helen Bevan, June 27, 2019, posted a blog, “Enabling Change and Change Leaders,” Horizons NHS, March 26th, 2024,

3.3. Effective Governance

[43] Tonya Surman and Mark Surman, “Listening to the Stars: The Constellation Model of Collaborative Social Change,” Social Space, (2008): 25, accessed February 1, 2024,

[44] Kristen Handricken, How Meeting Agreements Support Equity and Inclusion (Boston University Diversity and Inclusion, 2020),

3.4. Collaboration with Community

[45] “Collaborating with Community Stakeholders: Anchor Community Engagement Spectrum,” Healthcare Anchor Network, (n.d.), accessed February 1, 2024,

[46] Zev Alexander et al., From Silos to Collaborations: Building a Health Partner Investment Strategy (NeighborWorks and Center for Community Investment, 2022), page #19,

[47] “Our History,” Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance, last modified 2011, accessed February 1, 2024,

[48] Ellora Derenoncourt et al., “Wealth of Two Nations: The U.S. Racial Wealth Gap, 1860-2020,” Institute Working Paper 59 (2022),

[49] “The BUILD Health Challenge Community Health Workbook,” Change Lab Solutions, last modified 2023, accessed February 1, 2024,

[50] Danny Fisher-Bruns, interviewed by Ndeye Boury Silla, Claire Brawdy, David Zuckerman, video interview, February 1, 2023.

[51] Sigmund Shipp et al., Report on Research with Black Entrepreneurs and Business Owners in East and Central Brooklyn: Participatory Action Research for the Brooklyn Health Enterprise Hub 2022-2023 (Brooklyn Communities Collaborative, 2022-2023), page #4-49,

[52] Charter: Healthcare Anchor Network Partnership Measures. Developed for The Healthcare Anchor Network, by Ellen Schultz, based on input and feedback from the National Community Advisory Committee convened between November 2023 and February 2024. Submitted February 27, 2024.

[53] Melody Goodman, V. Thompson, and N. Ackermann, “Creating a Survey of Community Engagement in Research,” Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (2021), accessed February 1, 2024,

[54] Mary Cramer, J. Atwood, and J. Stoner, “Measuring Community Coalition Effectiveness Using the ICE Instrument,” Public Health Nursing 23 (2006): 74-87, accessed February 1, 2024,

[55] “Community coalitions using the Internal Coalition Effectiveness (ICE) Instrument,” National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools, accessed February 1, 2024,

3.5. Sustainable Resourcing

[56] “Funding Streams for Place-based Partnerships, and Their Benefits and Challenges,” Nonprofit Finance Fund, last modified 2021,

[57] Douglas Easterling and Laura McDuffee, “Social Determinants Of Health: How Are Health Conversion Foundations Using Their Resources To Create Change?,” Health Affairs Forefront, (2018), accessed February 1, 2024,

3.6. Quality Data and Impact Measurement

[58] Molly Schnoke et al., Greater University Circle Initiative: Year 7 Evaluation Report (All Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs Publications, 2018), page # 4,

[59] Dominique Samari and Paul Schmitz, Racial Equity Toolkit: A reflection and resource guide for collective impact backbone staff and partners (Collective Impact Forum, 2023), page #16-19,


[60] One interview was conducted in January 2024.

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