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Resource Library


1.2 Realizing the Anchor Mission

1.3 The Emergence of Anchor Collaboratives

Anchor Institutions Toolkit: A Guide for Neighborhood Revitalization, The Netter Center for Community Partnerships (2008)
Living Cities Integration Initiative Evaluation, Mt. Auburn Associates (2014)

1.4 Getting Started: Forming the Collaborative and the Backbone

City Health Dashboard, NYU School of Medicine (2019)
Segregation in St. Louis: Dismantling the Divide, Washington University in St. Louis (2018)
HAN Leadership Commitments, Healthcare Anchor Network (2024)
Building the Backbone, StriveTogether (2014)
Backbone Starter Guide, Collective Impact Forum (2021)
Starting a Coalition , Community Toolbox
Exploring the Collaboration Cycle, Tamarack Institute (2022)
Place-Based Partnerships Toolkit, Nonprofit Finance Fund (2019)
Anchor Institutions Partnerships Database, Anchor Institutions Task Force, MARGA Inc (2024)

2 Understanding Anchor Strategies

Resources for the Anchor Mission, Healthcare Anchor Network

2.1 Impact Workforce

New Bridge Cleveland, NewBridge (2022)
MIT Local Living Wage, Dr. Amy Glasmeier and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2024)
MMDC Hire Local program, Memphis Medical District Collaborative (2024)
Impact Workforce strategy, MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board (MHHCWB)
Inclusive, Local Hiring Toolkit, Healthcare Anchor Network (2016)
National Fund for Workforce Solutions, National Fund for Workforce Solutions

2.2 Impact Purchasing

ShopBIPOC, Denver Anchor Network
Regional Vendor-Anchor Marketplace, South Florida Anchor Alliance
Feeding Anchors, Denver Anchor Network
Local Procurement Dashboard, West Side United (2024)
Denver Anchor Network Curated Caterer List, Center for Community Wealth Building (2023)
Healthcare Anchor Network Data Companion, Healthcare Anchor Network (2024)
Healthy Neighborhoods Albuquerque, Farmer Infrastructure Project
Impact Purchasing Toolkit , Healthcare Anchor Network (2016)
Case Studies of HAN members' Impact Purchasing strategies , Healthcare Anchor Network (ongoing)
The Future of Health is Local: A Field Guide for Health Sector Leadership, Business Alliance for Living, Local Economies (2016)
Billion Dollar Roundtable , Billion Dollar Roundtable (2023)
Health Care Without Harm , Health Care Without Harm

2.3 Place-based Investing

Place-based Investing Toolkit, Healthcare Anchor Network (2016)
New Mexico Impact Investing Collaborative, New Mexico Impact Investing Collaborative
Improving Community Health by Strengthening Community Investment, Center for Community Investment, Initiative for Responsible Investment, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2017)
Community Closeups, Build Healthy Places Network (ongoing)

2.4 Complementary Anchor Strategies

Brochure: North Central Massachusets Anchor Collaborative (2021), North Central Massachusetts Anchor Collaborative (2021)
Benefit Cliffs and Other Challenges in the Utah Public Benefit System, Weber State University and OgdenCAN (2023)
Neighborhood & Physical Environment, West Side United (2021)
MMDC Real Estate Report, Memphis Medical District Collaborative (2024)
Strong Communities Fund, Brooklyn Communities Collaborative (2022)
Commerical Improvement Program, Southwest Partnership (2024)

3.1 A Shared Imperative

Anchor Institutions Leveraging Big Buyers for Small Business, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation (2021)
SMARTIE Framework, The Management Center (2021)
Anchor Mission Leadership Commitments, Healthcare Anchor Network

3.2 Activated Champions

The Dawn of System Leadership, Stanford Social Innovation Review (2015)
Collaborative Leadership, Community Toolbox

3.3 Effective Governance

BUILD Health Challenge's Community Health Workbook, The BUILD Health Challenge and ChangeLab Solutions (2023)
The Constellation Model for Collaborative Social Change, Singapore Management University (2008)
HAN Working Group Work Plan Template, Healthcare Anchor Network (2024)
Collaborative Governance: An Introductory Guide, Collaboration for Impact and Clarion Call (2020)
Building a Collective Governance Framework, National Policy Consensus Center (2020)

3.4 Collaboration with Community

The BUILD Health Challenge Community Health Workbook, The BUILD Health Challenge and ChangeLab Solutions (2023)
Human-Centered Approach to Job Design, National Fund for Workforce Solutions
Participatory Action Research, Brooklyn Communities Collaborative
Internal Coalition Effectiveness (ICE) Instrument, The University of Nebraska Medical Center (2007)
Anchor-Community Engagement Workbook, Anchors in Resilient Communities (2023)
What is Community Anyway?, Stanford Social Innovation Review (2015)

3.5 Sustainable Resourcing

Determination of Need Community-Based Health Initiative Planning Guideline, Massachusetts Department of Public Health (2017)
Community Benefits Agreements, PolicyLink (2024)
Funding Streams for Place-based Partnerships, Nonprofit Finance Fund (2021)
3-Year Backbone Budget Scenario Analysis Tool, Collective Impact Forum (2015)

3.6 Quality Data and Impact Measurement

HAN Data Companion, Healthcare Anchor Network (2024)
Equal Employment Opportunity Data Collections Reporting System, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Anchor Strategy Data Collection Template, Healthcare Anchor Network (2024)
Neighborhood Atlas, Neighborhood Atlas

3.7 Strategic Communications

Anchor Mission Communications Toolkit, Healthcare Anchor Network (2020)
Southwest Partnership Vision Plan, Southwest Partnership
Template for Strategic Communications Plan, W.K. Kellogg Foundation (2020)
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